On The Eleventh Day Of Impact: Muttley

On The Eleventh Day Of Impact: Muttley

This is Muttley the Mack Truck.

A conversation over a beer set in train a sequence of events that resulted in one of the most spectacular trucks you’re ever likely to see on Australia’s roads. Ed from TradeMutt showed Jason from Martin’s Haulage the TradeMutt design catalogue and he loved the Razzle Dazzle print. From there a whole team was involved in getting the truck on the road

Little did we know the day the truck was revealed how powerful and impactful Muttley would become, driving the long roads all over Australia, he now has his own "Spotto" Facebook group.

“We want more people to reach out to us,” says Ed, “so this truck is a really exciting opportunity to change the narrative around mental health and get people talking as well as seeking early intervention counselling through our service.”

Muttley has started conversations further and wider than we could have ever imagined. Keep your eyes peeled when you are on the road, he is pretty hard to miss!

What massive piece of machinery should we wrap next?