
Mental Health
What Is The Real Cost Of “Working Hard?"
Written By Nick Sutherland G’day you Muttbags! Following on from the last blog where we explored the signs of a breakdown and why it’s important to find balance, I thought it...

Mental Health
A Broken Arm Means A Visit To The Doctor
Physical injuries are something that we can't ignore. They cause a great deal of discomfort and stop us from operating at our full potential. The exact same can be said...

Mental Health
Success Vs Happiness
Success does not guarantee happiness. A tragedy of our modern age is that so many people are blessed with success beyond measure, yet filled with discontent. Success doesn't spare you...

Mental Health
Dan opens up about the loss of his mate
Dan often mentions that he started TRADEMUTT on the back of losing a close friend to suicide, however he hasn't talked about the personal impact. Watch this exclusive interview where...

Mental Health
What qualities make up a resilient person and why do they cope better?
We all know that mate that seems to cope with numerous knock backs and still seems to keep getting up. They still feel the same numerous emotions the rest of...

Mental Health
Debunking your understanding of mental health will make it easier to reach out for help
A group of guys at a BBQ I attended expressed that they could wander around a hardware store for close to an hour searching for a specific item they needed....

Mental Health
If you want to build self esteem you need to get rid of toxic shame
Shame is the emotional experience underlying low self-esteem. It's that awful feeling generated by perceiving one’s self as bad, defective, incompetent, unattractive. Everyone experiences shame from time to time. You...

Mental Health
Are you struggling to reach out to talk to a psychologist?
Ever wonder what having a yarn with a psych is like? Many people actually find it really hard to make that very first appointment with a psychologist because they really...

Mental Health
Mateship is improving your health
Loneliness is killing us – literally. Feeling lonely or disconnected from your mates has been discovered to be bad for your health. Dr. Julianne Hold-Lunstadt, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at...