These Are Some Of Your Stories ❤️

These Are Some Of Your Stories ❤️

Recently we asked you guys if you had any amazing TradeMutt stories to share, and you guys did not disappoint. Do you have your own story to share? Send them...
Your Guide to Funky Shirt Friday
Funky Shirt Fridays

Your Guide to Funky Shirt Friday

Step 1: Wear a funky TradeMutt shirt to work on a Friday, and make a commitment to show a bit of vulnerability.   Step 2: Start conversations about mental health...
Great, Now That We Have Your Attention

Great, Now That We Have Your Attention

These colourful work shirts start conversations about mental health. The print that Dave's wearing in this photo, Rainbow Road, was inspired by the hardest level in Mario Kart. We spent...
Read Rainbow Road's Print Story
rainbow road

Read Rainbow Road's Print Story

For all of TradeMutt's new workwear prints, we also write a print story to help talk about where the print's come from, what's inspired us, and give us some creative...
Dan Allen Chats With 4BC About Starting Conversations Around Tradies' Mental Health

Dan Allen Chats With 4BC About Starting Conversations Around Tradies' Mental Health

On 4BC Weekend Lunch yesterday, TradeMutt and TIACS co-founder Dan Allen joined Spencer Howson over the phone to talk about TIACS' ongoing positive impact on tradies' mental health around Australia....
Warehouse move

Warehouse move

By Ed Ross We just made a really big change here at TradeMutt. Since 2020 we have been making additional social change through our 3rd Party Logistics partner SendAble. With...
Ed Recommends: Sleep

Ed Recommends: Sleep

Sleep. I do concede it is something that I do enjoy and in the past have been very good at. Im a head hit’s the pillow and out type of...
TradeMutt Turns Five

TradeMutt Turns Five

Hey legends,Today marks TradeMutt’s fifth birthday. On this day 5 years ago myself and Dan were contacted by Channel 7 news asking us to tell our story on the 6pm...
It's Not Weak To Speak

It's Not Weak To Speak

Originally published in Woman's Day. Woman’s Day cares about men's mental health. These heroes are encouraging other men to get the help they need. Mr Incredible! Tony Toholke has always...