TradeMutt Turns Five

TradeMutt Turns Five

It's Not Weak To Speak Reading TradeMutt Turns Five 5 minutes Next Ed Recommends: Sleep

Hey legends,

Today marks TradeMutt’s fifth birthday. On this day 5 years ago myself and Dan were contacted by Channel 7 news asking us to tell our story on the 6pm news. That moment created a chain of events that in our wildest dreams we would not have imagined. Rather than write a big thankyou to you all I thought I would share an internal email that I wrote for the TradeMutt and TIACS teams last week….


Hi team,

It blew my mind yesterday when I went onto the TIACS website and noticed that we have ticked over 16,000 individuals supported. It really had me reflecting yesterday on where this all started and the reason we do what we do at TIACS.

When Dan and I came up with the original idea, TradeMutt. It was not something that came about through some master plan or strategic thinking. Rather a simple lightbulb moment that happened when we realised that we could use workwear that looked different to possibly start conversations about mental health. At worst it would be deemed as a shit shirt idea to have some fun on site and bring a few laughs and good banter.

Once we finally got our idea to market and had the shirts out and about we knew we wanted and also had to, ensure we were funneling profits we made into creating the social change that was needed. Tradies, improving their mental health. Ironically everything that was in market didn’t appeal to either Dan and I and we felt we could do a better job in creating something that Trades people could relate with. We didn’t want to fear monger, we didn’t want to ram anything down people's throats and we didn’t want to make just another annual activation. We just wanted to create a relatable service that created real change.

Anthony Bourdain took his life on my birthday in 2018. The 8th of June...

He was someone that from the outside, had so much to live for. A prominent mental health charity posted a picture and a message about the tragedy and how mental health did not discriminate. One of our founding Directors Russell O’Hara saw the post and had a scroll through the comments section. In there he noticed a comment that stood out. A young bloke called Cam had commented the following ‘This is where I am headed’ A call for help!

Russell immediately reached out to him and asked if he could help with anything. Cam went on to tell him that he had recently gone through a relationship breakdown, had lost his job and was not in a good way at all. Russell continued to talk with him and went on to ask if he had reached out to anyone for help? Cam said he had messaged the mental health charity directly that had posted about Anthony, saying he needed help. His response. NOTHING…..

With that Russell wanted to make sure there hadn’t been a miscommunication or a mistake so he too reached out to them and simply asked ‘Hey guys, I have a mate that is doing it tough how can I help him?’ His response. NOTHING….

When Russell told Dan and I this story, we both threw our hands up in the air. ‘This is what is fucking wrong with this entire space, everyone is telling everyone there is a mental health crisis but no one is actually taking any action! It's all just AWARENESS!!!’

We reached out to Cam directly and through the help of Bretts Timber and Hardware were able to get him into a few free counseling sessions with a clinician via video call in Victoria.

A seed had been sown….

‘Why don’t we just hire some mental health professionals and allow people to call them for free?” We said to each other. Seems too simple, can it be done?

Then after a couple years of hard work TIACS was born, our first call was taken in 2020. The date? My Birthday, the 8th of June…..

A young man rang us on that day from a scaffold in Brisbane CBD. He was having an anxiety attack, his work had become overbearing and his relationship with his wife was fractured. He was our first official client. He got our number from a bloke wearing a TradeMutt shirt that had passed on the TIACS details. There, it had become the mental health counseling service that you tell your mates about….

To think that now over 16K people have been through the TIACS service is mind boggling. For context we could fill almost one whole side of Suncorp Stadium, running end to end…..

Thank you for being on this journey with us. We are creating real change here at TIACS, we are changing lives, saving lives and creating a better life for thousands of people.

Now let's fill Suncorp Stadium!



Annabelle IKeith

Annabelle IKeith

Unreal work guys! and amazing to see your presence in the agriculture space as well!

Unreal work guys! and amazing to see your presence in the agriculture space as well!

Kym Walmsley

Kym Walmsley

You have an amazing product and my husband and I are often stopped and asked about your shirts we wear. The help and conversations you are having with so many troubled souls is truly inspirational. Thank you for starting the conversation ❤️

You have an amazing product and my husband and I are often stopped and asked about your shirts we wear. The help and conversations you are having with so many troubled souls is truly inspirational. Thank you for starting the conversation ❤️

Angela Brown

Angela Brown

Hey Guys. I started buying your shirts a few years back. I work in a small country store and our egg supplier was wearing one. I asked the question and he told me about Trade Mutt. My son has suffered with mental health issues and I am a strong advocate for support of men’s mental health as I believe men have been left behind in so many ways. I bought a shirt for my husband. Since then I have bought him a few shirts. My 2 son in laws, my son and my husband all get trade mutt shirts for Christmas now. Last year an elderly friend of mine didn’t know what to get her sons for Christmas so I suggested Trade Mutt shirts. They loved them and when one of them returned back to Germany with his shirt and started wearing it to work his German colleagues started asking questions. Now every Friday in their office is mental health awareness day, having a chat about how everyone is going and being supportive. All because of a shirt !! You guys have done amazing things and should be proud of how you are changing lives and making a difference. Keep up the good work and God Bless you

Hey Guys. I started buying your shirts a few years back. I work in a small country store and our egg supplier was wearing one. I asked the question and he told me about Trade Mutt. My son has suffered with mental health issues and I am a strong advocate for support of men’s mental health as I believe men have been left behind in so many ways. I bought a shirt for my husband. Since then I have bought him a few shirts. My 2 son in laws, my son and my husband all get trade mutt shirts for Christmas now. Last year an elderly friend of mine didn’t know what to get her sons for Christmas so I suggested Trade Mutt shirts. They loved them and when one of them returned back to Germany with his shirt and started wearing it to work his German colleagues started asking questions. Now every Friday in their office is mental health awareness day, having a chat about how everyone is going and being supportive. All because of a shirt !! You guys have done amazing things and should be proud of how you are changing lives and making a difference. Keep up the good work and God Bless you

Lisa White

Lisa White

Tears of JOY reading this,,, HAPPY 5th Birthday ~ You BLOODY LEGENDS !!! K.I.S.S. <3 So much respect for all that you do, share and represent. Proud to be part of the Mutt Hutt Legendary Community. I’ll share your story till the cows come home and keep starting conversations until I’m hoarse ,,, & then some :-)

Tears of JOY reading this,,, HAPPY 5th Birthday ~ You BLOODY LEGENDS !!! K.I.S.S. <3 So much respect for all that you do, share and represent. Proud to be part of the Mutt Hutt Legendary Community. I’ll share your story till the cows come home and keep starting conversations until I’m hoarse ,,, & then some :-)

Fran Blake

Fran Blake

You guys are such an inspiration and to have done this in such a simple yet powerful way that has impacted the lives of so many in such a positive way is a legacy you can be proud of.
16K may have been through the TIACS service but if you think of the ripple effect of the people around them who would have been impacted by not getting this assistance, then yes you could fill Suncorp stadium.
Well done guys, keep up the great work!
Love the clothing & what you do.

You guys are such an inspiration and to have done this in such a simple yet powerful way that has impacted the lives of so many in such a positive way is a legacy you can be proud of.
16K may have been through the TIACS service but if you think of the ripple effect of the people around them who would have been impacted by not getting this assistance, then yes you could fill Suncorp stadium.
Well done guys, keep up the great work!
Love the clothing & what you do.

Ian Dunlop

Ian Dunlop

The Trademutt team provide inspiration to many of us who have seen how mental health issues play out in workplaces but also in society. As a proud Trademutt shirt wearer I say thankyou for caring enough to do something real for those people who need help but are unsure of where to turn to.

The Trademutt team provide inspiration to many of us who have seen how mental health issues play out in workplaces but also in society. As a proud Trademutt shirt wearer I say thankyou for caring enough to do something real for those people who need help but are unsure of where to turn to.

Sherie Newman

Sherie Newman

Happy 5th Birthday Guys you are doing an amazing job your work wear is brilliant and bright and does stop for a conversation. you all should be so proud. of what you have achieved and the life’s you have saved, and the sad days when you cannot help or its just a few seconds to late, a massive thank you and happy Birthday to you

Happy 5th Birthday Guys you are doing an amazing job your work wear is brilliant and bright and does stop for a conversation. you all should be so proud. of what you have achieved and the life’s you have saved, and the sad days when you cannot help or its just a few seconds to late, a massive thank you and happy Birthday to you



Hi Ed
This is an amazing service and to help the guys on the ground who really need it and in most instances do not ask for help. Thank you for this amazing service. I have seen so many people who reach out when they are desperate and do not get a response and do not try again, and it ends badly.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping so many tradies and their families.

Hi Ed
This is an amazing service and to help the guys on the ground who really need it and in most instances do not ask for help. Thank you for this amazing service. I have seen so many people who reach out when they are desperate and do not get a response and do not try again, and it ends badly.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping so many tradies and their families.



Time for a giveaway ! Congrats on five !! That’s huge !

Time for a giveaway ! Congrats on five !! That’s huge !



Positively brilliant! Such vision has done our world so much good. Hearty congrats.

Positively brilliant! Such vision has done our world so much good. Hearty congrats.

Robin Strang

Robin Strang

Congratulations boys!!! What a difference you’ve made in 5 years. As you know my youngest son Rodney took his life in April 2018.. it’s been a huge 5 years but the work you and your team do is nothing short of amazing. I see the shirts everywhere, everytime I wear mine there’s a comment as I comment on theirs. Your TIACS cards are in my car and I’ve given out plenty. KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING! It could have saved my boy

Congratulations boys!!! What a difference you’ve made in 5 years. As you know my youngest son Rodney took his life in April 2018.. it’s been a huge 5 years but the work you and your team do is nothing short of amazing. I see the shirts everywhere, everytime I wear mine there’s a comment as I comment on theirs. Your TIACS cards are in my car and I’ve given out plenty. KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING! It could have saved my boy



Hi guys, truely grateful for your idea and dedication getting this service happening, I Can relate to every aspect of why you guys started this in the first place and am proud to tell people why we only spend our money with trade mutt and my employees all wear the brightest shirts on any site we work on.
I even know one of those 16k that are in your stats. Greatly appreciative of your service.

Hi guys, truely grateful for your idea and dedication getting this service happening, I Can relate to every aspect of why you guys started this in the first place and am proud to tell people why we only spend our money with trade mutt and my employees all wear the brightest shirts on any site we work on.
I even know one of those 16k that are in your stats. Greatly appreciative of your service.

Kathy Vernham

Kathy Vernham

I will always remember meeting you guys at the Gympie muster last year, silent tears running down my face as I listened to what you do and why you do it.
I bought one of your shirts, which I now take with me, and wear with so much pride when I am out and about hiking in Tassie, spreading your message when people comment on my gorgeous shirt.
Throughout my life I have had close friends, work colleagues and family members end their own lives and have witnessed the destructive aftermath their passing leaves behind for family members and loved ones to cope with.
My son Tom died in a tragic accident in Gympie in 2006, he was just 14 years old.
I know the depth of pain and despair, after losing my darling boy, and the pull of the black dog into the abyss to just end it all and cease my own suffering.
What you guys do resonated with me in a way I cannot describe.
Love what you do and what you are all about, keep up the great work.
Gotta sign off as I’m a blubbering bloody mess now.

I will always remember meeting you guys at the Gympie muster last year, silent tears running down my face as I listened to what you do and why you do it.
I bought one of your shirts, which I now take with me, and wear with so much pride when I am out and about hiking in Tassie, spreading your message when people comment on my gorgeous shirt.
Throughout my life I have had close friends, work colleagues and family members end their own lives and have witnessed the destructive aftermath their passing leaves behind for family members and loved ones to cope with.
My son Tom died in a tragic accident in Gympie in 2006, he was just 14 years old.
I know the depth of pain and despair, after losing my darling boy, and the pull of the black dog into the abyss to just end it all and cease my own suffering.
What you guys do resonated with me in a way I cannot describe.
Love what you do and what you are all about, keep up the great work.
Gotta sign off as I’m a blubbering bloody mess now.

Martin Davis

Martin Davis

Awesome job guys! And I’m proud to be a small part of it by wearing your great shirts!

Awesome job guys! And I’m proud to be a small part of it by wearing your great shirts!

Julianne Meier

Julianne Meier

Great way to reach out, well done to you all. :)

Great way to reach out, well done to you all. :)



I went through severe depression I was lucky enough to have wonderful people around me so that I am here today bigger and better than before so noing Daniel personally I support them in everything they do has need needed for such a long time you boys are an inspiration to me and many others I will continue to buy your shirts instead of shop shirts as love your motivation , keep it going boys awesome job ❤

I went through severe depression I was lucky enough to have wonderful people around me so that I am here today bigger and better than before so noing Daniel personally I support them in everything they do has need needed for such a long time you boys are an inspiration to me and many others I will continue to buy your shirts instead of shop shirts as love your motivation , keep it going boys awesome job ❤

Jo Hill

Jo Hill

Thank you for having the guts to do this. Help is out there fucken bullshit it is. Saved my own daughter from throwing herself under a truck because we kept getting told come back tomorrow., last year. Tomorrow is a word I now loath when it comes to Mental health assistance. My daughter has come out the other side she now has more good than bad days.

Thank you for having the guts to do this. Help is out there fucken bullshit it is. Saved my own daughter from throwing herself under a truck because we kept getting told come back tomorrow., last year. Tomorrow is a word I now loath when it comes to Mental health assistance. My daughter has come out the other side she now has more good than bad days.

Joe  and Troy Smolenaars

Joe and Troy Smolenaars

Hi Trademutt and TIACS
happy Birthday you legends

“Thank you for being on this journey with us. We are creating real change here at TIACS, we are changing lives, saving lives, and creating a better life for thousands of people.”

no thank you for giving us a chance to support an awesome cause, I want to be like my dad and wear Trademutt gear when I’m 80 years old

mental health is important …if computer no good body won’t work

and my trademutt (fancy one) shirt is my dinner shirt and the bride loves it

stay awesome champions

ill be cheeky for a minute and say go the blues #banter

regards Joe (80 yrs)and Troy Smolenaars (49 yrs)

Hi Trademutt and TIACS
happy Birthday you legends

“Thank you for being on this journey with us. We are creating real change here at TIACS, we are changing lives, saving lives, and creating a better life for thousands of people.”

no thank you for giving us a chance to support an awesome cause, I want to be like my dad and wear Trademutt gear when I’m 80 years old

mental health is important …if computer no good body won’t work

and my trademutt (fancy one) shirt is my dinner shirt and the bride loves it

stay awesome champions

ill be cheeky for a minute and say go the blues #banter

regards Joe (80 yrs)and Troy Smolenaars (49 yrs)

 Therese McCabe

Therese McCabe

I’m so glad I’m in the Mutt Hutt and read this today. Ever since I noticed a local Council worker wearing your loud shirt and asked about it, I knew this was a venture to support. I have enjoyed wearing my loud hi-vis shirt to volunteer retiree jobs, getting interest from people and telling them the TIACS story. 5 years is a great milestone for celebrating and reflecting. Keep on.

I’m so glad I’m in the Mutt Hutt and read this today. Ever since I noticed a local Council worker wearing your loud shirt and asked about it, I knew this was a venture to support. I have enjoyed wearing my loud hi-vis shirt to volunteer retiree jobs, getting interest from people and telling them the TIACS story. 5 years is a great milestone for celebrating and reflecting. Keep on.

Marcus Delbridge

Marcus Delbridge

True leg ends. I’ve been buying and wearing your gear for years now. I have at least one coversation everyday purely through someone noticing the shirt and saying something. I’m currently in talks with my boss about making TradeMutt our uniform at work and will hopefully be in contact soon. This brand has become a real community created around something as simple as funky patterns on workwear. The smiles and waves from fellow TradeMutts are sometimes all it takes to turn a day around.
Congratulations on 5 years, looking forward to many more!
Much love and support ❤

True leg ends. I’ve been buying and wearing your gear for years now. I have at least one coversation everyday purely through someone noticing the shirt and saying something. I’m currently in talks with my boss about making TradeMutt our uniform at work and will hopefully be in contact soon. This brand has become a real community created around something as simple as funky patterns on workwear. The smiles and waves from fellow TradeMutts are sometimes all it takes to turn a day around.
Congratulations on 5 years, looking forward to many more!
Much love and support ❤



Well Done ! You should be very proud !

Well Done ! You should be very proud !

Kim P

Kim P

Really appreciate you sharing this memo. This is honestly the best validation for everything you and the team are doing. From that one idea and that one phone call – you’re literally changing lives for the better every day.

Really appreciate you sharing this memo. This is honestly the best validation for everything you and the team are doing. From that one idea and that one phone call – you’re literally changing lives for the better every day.

Judith Harrigan

Judith Harrigan

Congratulations on such an awesome achievement so far – I work at the Maryvale Crown Hotel where we actively support, by having Funky Shirt Friday and the staff wear Trademutt shirts & we raise money for Tiacs through Raffles every week.
As an outside person, I am so proud to be able to do this & support you guys with the great job that you do.
Keep going….👍

Congratulations on such an awesome achievement so far – I work at the Maryvale Crown Hotel where we actively support, by having Funky Shirt Friday and the staff wear Trademutt shirts & we raise money for Tiacs through Raffles every week.
As an outside person, I am so proud to be able to do this & support you guys with the great job that you do.
Keep going….👍

Taura Ariki Tavioni

Taura Ariki Tavioni

I’m a truck driver my trademutt shirt is very interesting to many arfter explaining what it represents some are very interested. But I live in New Zealand I bought mine on line arfter seeing it on TV in Brisbane while visiting my Daughter and Grandkids. Maybe advertising on TV in New Zealand may do well. Bye-bye

I’m a truck driver my trademutt shirt is very interesting to many arfter explaining what it represents some are very interested. But I live in New Zealand I bought mine on line arfter seeing it on TV in Brisbane while visiting my Daughter and Grandkids. Maybe advertising on TV in New Zealand may do well. Bye-bye

Allan Mccorquodale

Allan Mccorquodale

I have bought from you and will again.
What does TIACS stand for?

I have bought from you and will again.
What does TIACS stand for?

Jackie Rowan

Jackie Rowan

I have made purchases through this company as for what it stands for Thankyou you all everyday my son Is still with me after Attempted Suicide as his mum it was heart breaking to not be able to help

I have made purchases through this company as for what it stands for Thankyou you all everyday my son Is still with me after Attempted Suicide as his mum it was heart breaking to not be able to help

Astrid Naughton

Astrid Naughton

You are doing a great job. Mental health problems are a big issue. Even if you have access to services, the waiting list is long. I love your shirts. When I wear them, I receive a lot of compliments.

Keep up the good work.

You are doing a great job. Mental health problems are a big issue. Even if you have access to services, the waiting list is long. I love your shirts. When I wear them, I receive a lot of compliments.

Keep up the good work.

Ros Fickling

Ros Fickling

Congratulations on your amazing lightbulb moment. It has certainly opened more conversations I am sure on all sites. I know our men wear them with pride and yes it gets conversations going because of their attire.
Keep up the good work and Congratulations!!

Congratulations on your amazing lightbulb moment. It has certainly opened more conversations I am sure on all sites. I know our men wear them with pride and yes it gets conversations going because of their attire.
Keep up the good work and Congratulations!!

Irene Rehlaender

Irene Rehlaender

You guys are doing a fantastic job, its wonderful that you help thousands of people in crisis, keep up the good work!

You guys are doing a fantastic job, its wonderful that you help thousands of people in crisis, keep up the good work!

Leone ogle

Leone ogle

Trademutt does an awesome job.
Went bushwalking with a local club wore my trademutt shirt out of a group of 8 people 4 of us had husbands, brothers and friends who had taken their lives.
So it can help start conversations for family as well, instead of being a unspoken dark secret.

Trademutt does an awesome job.
Went bushwalking with a local club wore my trademutt shirt out of a group of 8 people 4 of us had husbands, brothers and friends who had taken their lives.
So it can help start conversations for family as well, instead of being a unspoken dark secret.



I love what you guys are doing! I have been in that same dark place several times in the past, but am now in a much better place with my mental health because I reached out and found a professional who could help me. I’m not a tradie, but I proudly wear your shirts every day (I’m not exaggerating!) including to some venues where the shirts really stand out, and have started so many conversations – keep up the great work!!

I love what you guys are doing! I have been in that same dark place several times in the past, but am now in a much better place with my mental health because I reached out and found a professional who could help me. I’m not a tradie, but I proudly wear your shirts every day (I’m not exaggerating!) including to some venues where the shirts really stand out, and have started so many conversations – keep up the great work!!

Christine Cooper

Christine Cooper

I L🧡VE wearing my Bright Beautiful Trade Mutt Work Wear.
It is always a conversation starter. Thank you Guys for the work you do.
Thank You for Supporting Mental Health.
Great Work. 😘

I L🧡VE wearing my Bright Beautiful Trade Mutt Work Wear.
It is always a conversation starter. Thank you Guys for the work you do.
Thank You for Supporting Mental Health.
Great Work. 😘

TONKA Toholke

TONKA Toholke

TRADEMUTT & TIACS , saved my life , Dan & Ed were kind enough to let me rasie some funds for TIACS in 2018/19 , giving me a goal and purpose while battling my mental health. I am very proud to pull on a Trademutt shirt every day start the conversation and keep ripple effect going

TRADEMUTT & TIACS , saved my life , Dan & Ed were kind enough to let me rasie some funds for TIACS in 2018/19 , giving me a goal and purpose while battling my mental health. I am very proud to pull on a Trademutt shirt every day start the conversation and keep ripple effect going



You guys are doing great work, I remember the day I had heard that Anthony had taken his own life. Keep making a difference please.
PS looking forward when you make more of your Hi Vis day/night range full button for guys and not just the ladies.

You guys are doing great work, I remember the day I had heard that Anthony had taken his own life. Keep making a difference please.
PS looking forward when you make more of your Hi Vis day/night range full button for guys and not just the ladies.

Lucinda Penn

Lucinda Penn

Thank you for sharing this story! I didn’t know the full context but I love wearing my Trade Mutt Shirt my parter got me for christmas while painting murals in all sorts of weather. Not only does it look awesome – it is so breathable and comfortable. I defs need to get some more! So many people have complemented it and asked about the convo starter too. (I’m @lcnd_ on instagram!) :) :) :)

Thank you for sharing this story! I didn’t know the full context but I love wearing my Trade Mutt Shirt my parter got me for christmas while painting murals in all sorts of weather. Not only does it look awesome – it is so breathable and comfortable. I defs need to get some more! So many people have complemented it and asked about the convo starter too. (I’m @lcnd_ on instagram!) :) :) :)

Dan Schonberg

Dan Schonberg

I wasn’t aware of the background and story behind Trade Mutt, only that they had facilities to help with mental health issues and some cracking shirts. Well done to everyone involved. Looking forward to many more years of wearing your shirts every friday no matter the occasion or workplace!

I wasn’t aware of the background and story behind Trade Mutt, only that they had facilities to help with mental health issues and some cracking shirts. Well done to everyone involved. Looking forward to many more years of wearing your shirts every friday no matter the occasion or workplace!

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