TradeMutt works on making an impact on the mental health space amongst the blue-collar work force of Australia and abroad. Each shirt acts as a catalyst to starting a conversation. We are continuing to improve our messaging through social media, podcast and mail out collateral that empowers our customer base with conversation tips and mental health advice.

Our philosophy is to take a more fun and light-hearted approach to the conversation. Currently the landscape around mental health is not making the conversations inviting to have and has many misconceptions. TradeMutt works on educating the trade community of the importance of taking care of your mental health and raise awareness around how we all have mental health.

TradeMutt works on creating a closed circle approach by funding 5% of shirt profits direct to the ‘This Is A Conversation Starter’ or TIACS. TIACS is a FREE and discrete service direct to mental health professionals for people wanting to access professional help without boundaries. 

TradeMutt has and will continue to bridge the divide between the blue-collar workforce and mental health professionals and create the cultural and social shift that is needed to stem the rate of suicide and create an environment that encourages help seeking behaviour.

TIACS – 0488 846 988



Every dollar you invest with Trademutt allows us to continue to do what we are passionate about and drive social change in a number of ways.

THE TRADEMUTT LEGENDS: Our work shirts are the trojan horse for the mental health message, but they don’t work without you wearing them. Every single shirt that we send out into the world creates another advocate and a foot soldier on the ground. If we are serious about changing the face of mental health, it will occur at a peer to peer level. You are now part of the solution.

DIGITAL COMMUNITY: We are commited to using our reach across digital platforms for good. We balance mental health messaging and content with the real life experience of TradeMutt customers and the TradeMutt team at the Mutt Hutt HQ. We like to keep it genuine, relatable and most importantly community focused.

THE TRADEMUTT TRIBUNE: The official media masthead of TradeMutt where we regularly post articles from ourselves here at HQ and guest contributers about topics that are relevant and add real value to you, our community. You can find the Tribune on our website or at

TRADEMUTT TOOLBOX TALKS: TTTs are another way we strengthen our bond with our community by facilitating access to some amazing individuals and their resources. TTTs cover a wide range of relevant subjects from health and wellness, to finances, relationships and addiction. Our goal is to empower the TM community with access to resources they may not otherwise have easy access to.


At Trademutt, our approach to creating positive social impact reaches far beyond the conversations that our products create. We are fully committed to supporting businesses and programs, both in Australia and Overseas, whose purpose and ethos aligns with our unwavering drive to create positive change. Your support has made this possible.

It’s Not Ok Projects

She Rescue Home exists as a safe haven for girls and young women who have survived trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation or are at risk. This high security home is where girls are given the chance to heal, in a safe environment with access to social workers, counsellors, healthcare and education. She Sewing Centre provides a place for girls of working age and their families from the She Rescue home, equipping survivors and local women with safe employment and ongoing training for fair and livable wage. The goal is that this project will create enough income to make other projects in Cambodia self sustaining. We are proud to say that our new TradeMutt hoodies were handmade at the She Sewing Centre in Phnom Penh Cambodia.


Work Restart

This is a not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to empower people with an experience of incarceration to restart their lives and positively contribute to the community they live in. One of the projects is ‘The Grid’ Sewing centre at Borallon Prison where we manufacture a number of small accessories and personally mentor inmates. Through this program the rate of recidivism is significantly reduced, and we can now proudly say that TradeMutt and both Ed and Dan have personally come on board to help guide and mentor these men in the hope that we might be able to support them into a positive future.

Funded hours of free mental health support

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