QCL: Don't Keep It Under Your Hat

QCL: Don't Keep It Under Your Hat

Recently TIACS launched a new campaign with the messaging ‘Don’t keep it under your hat’.

This campaign is designed to lean into the symbolism of the iconic felt hat synonymous with outback Australia and use it to encourage farmers around the country not to keep whatever is troubling them hidden under their hat. Every hat has a story and every story is worth sharing and if you don’t feel like you can share your story with a mate then we are encouraging you to reach out and share your story with TIACS.

The campaign was initially conceptualized with the concern over predicted El Nino weather patterns this summer and an expected drought. Weirdly when the news started breaking of all the rain from November, in the back of my mind I strangely felt like we may have wasted our time. Then I quickly reminded myself that firstly you don’t need a drought to be doing it tough on the land and mental health doesn’t just become a problem through weather patterns (Even after six years in the game I still do get it wrong…)

Outback Australia is renowned for spinning yarns, telling stories and sharing a laugh. In fact, one’s ability to spin a good yarn is often worn as a badge of honor. Picture the well weathered bloke holding court down at the local watering hole while the knocked-off hang out around him keeled over with laughter. Often however you find that these stories involve or are about someone else doing something stupid or incredible, rarely about yourself, unless of course it’s that one about that fish or hog you caught that keeps getting bigger every time.

Well, we say, enough about everyone else, we want to hear your story.

This is what “Don’t keep it under your hat” is all about. Sharing a story that you’ve been keeping under your hat. The story that started the day you were born and the one that's still being written as you read this.

A common theme that seems to continue to come through in my time working in the mental health space is the concept of ownership. The very first step to create positive change in your life is by first owning where you’ve been, where you’re at and what it is that you’re going through. Finding ways to tell your story is the best way to truly own your story. And you know the best part? Showing some vulnerability by taking ownership of and telling your own story has incredible knock-on effects. Telling your story helps others around you to find their voice to do the same. Here is an example… I was fortunate enough to be on the Betoota Advocate Podcast a few weeks ago sharing the TradeMutt and TIACS story. While chatting to the lads I explained how working in the mental health space did not give you a ticket to mental wellness and that I like others have struggled at times and how seeing a professional to talk about my wellbeing had been an incredibly beneficial thing for me personally. Then last Friday during my morning gym session I asked a mate who I was working out with if he wanted to join me at the pool for a few laps around lunchtime that day? His response: ‘Mate would love to but I have a psych session at 12, let’s link up next week.’

Don’t keep it under your hat.

Call or text TIACS today on 0488 846 988.

This article was originally published by Queensland Country Life.

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