I love a sunburnt TradeMutt Shirt
Featuring an old asbestos shack
A Hills Hoist with some knickers
Or a clothes line out the back
Bursting with Aussie icons,
A cricket game or two
Sunburnt legs, a panel van
And a mob of kangaroos
This shirt comes with something special
You can’t get it off the shelf
A commemorative TradeMutt tea towel
Finally, you can do the dry up by yourself
It’s all about a land Down Under
And features that just ring true
Where conversations rain, yarns thunder
We made this one just for you.

Red hot.
This one-off summer special TradeMutt shirt came packed in its own commemorative box complete with an exclusive tea towel. The bush poetry print story above knocked your socks off and you cleared us out of the stock in a weekend. Incredible.
A Sunburnt Country won't be back but except another placement print shirt just like this one in summers to come.
Model Alex Comino reps the shirt here at Brisbane's very own Streets Beach at South Bank.