G'day legends,
Welcome to TradeMutt's Wholesaler/Retailer Portal. Here, you'll find links to a range of assets made to help you sell conversation starting workwear that makes the invisible issue of tradie mental health impossible to ignore.
Training Video
So you've decided to sell TradeMutt but you're not sure how the shirts work exactly? Let Dan and Ed, TradeMutt's co-founders, talk you through our social impact, where we've come from, and why we do what we do.
Dan's TEDxTalk
Want a bit more background on TradeMutt, where it comes from, and why we do what we do? Take a gander at Dan's 2022 TEDxBrisbane Talk for a deep dive into the history of TradeMutt.
Product Photography
To help you sell TradeMutt workwear online, find through these links a range of images for each of our products.
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Anything in this folder is available for you to use but please reach out to Zac at zac.vanmanen@trademutt.com before making adjustments to these images for your own use.
We've put a lot of love into these images so we want to make sure they're represented as well as possible.
Founder Photography
Promote the TradeMutt workwear range by championing the brand story with these photos of Dan and Ed in TradeMutt's funky, conversation starting workwear.
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As with the product images above, please let us know when you go to use these. Just email Zac at zac.vanmanen@trademutt.com.
Onboarding Help
For further onboarding help with respect to anything else related to TradeMutt wholesaling, get in touch with Jas, TradeMutt's Wholesale Accounts Manager, via email at wholesale@trademutt.com.