Taking Care Of Our Own Mental Health

Taking Care Of Our Own Mental Health

Letter From The Boys Reading Taking Care Of Our Own Mental Health 3 minutes Next When You Are At A Crossroads, TIACS Has Your Back

Tomorrow, the TradeMutt team is getting a bit MOLDy, but it’s not what you might think…
What exactly do I mean? Well, as TradeMutt is fast approaching it’s fourth birthday, naturally, myself, Ed and the entire TradeMutt team are doing a lot of reflecting. 

As a business we’ve experienced fast growth with heaps of awesome wins, we’ve built an amazing community and some incredible relationships, overcome some testing challenges and built  numerous incredible relationships along the way. However there is a very real side to operating and working inside a start-up business that probably doesn’t get spoken about nearly enough and that is quite simply, it can be really stressful. 

This may come as a surprise, but TradeMutt experiences all the same stressors that any business faces - cashflow, supply chain issues, human resources, outbound logistics and any other random daily occurrences that don’t quite go to plan. Basically, it’s not always smooth sailing and I’m sure anyone who has ever run a business will know exactly what I’m talking about. 

Another reality is the fact that Ed and I don’t, nor could we, do this on our own. We have an incredible team of highly skilled people who all play a crucial part in making TradeMutt the impactful business that it is. But as a small team, if the two Directors are stressed, the team definitely feels that stress too. 

Ed and I are extremely proud of the culture that we’ve built at TradeMutt HQ. Our internal philosophy is one of supporting our employees to achieve success in their roles because it goes without saying, their success is the business's success. In saying that, there is always more that we can do to support our team. So this year, in an effort to keep everyone fresh and firing on all cylinders, we’re giving everyone three extra long weekends or as we’re calling them, MOLDy’s.

Tomorrow is our first MOLD of the year but this is just one of a number of ideas that we are rolling out to prioritize culture and mutter (employee) experience.
Rest assured, our epic mates over at SendAble will still be packing and dispatching orders and the work horses at Australia Post will still be delivering swiftly so it will be business as usual on that front. The Sales and Customer Service phone will be switched off so if you need to get in touch, flick us an email to hello@trademutt.com and our amazing team will respond on Monday.
If you’d like to experience the TradeMutt culture for yourself, we have a couple of exciting job opportunities at the moment. Hit the link HERE to check out our vacant job roles!

For any business owners out there, our challenge to you is to ask yourself the question, what more could you be doing to prioritise the health and wellbeing of your employees? It doesn’t have to be ground breaking, but finding the smallest of ways to show your team that you care really does go a long way to building a happy and healthy workplace. If you’ve got any ideas, we’d love to hear them. Email us at hello@trademutt.com.
Much love,
Dan (and Ed)